April’s Projects Update

A Look Inside of UNEDK'S Mind

April has been a very busy month. I created a studio space in my home. I have been wanting a new space for a while now.

This is an image of my blackboard. I use it as my inspiration board/to do list space.


My floor has decorative flakes in it and if I spill paint on the floor it shouldn’t be noticed much.

April has also been a very busy month for crocheting. I have worked on a whole lot of projects, a few of which I will share here.


A crocheted shawl


A sunshine yellow triangle shawl


A lavender triangle shawl


An errand clutch


A crocheted infinity cowl/wrap


A silk cashmere shawl

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Feeling some kind of way today, not sad but frustrated. Hate when people don’t listen to me. And I hate that at times I care. Trying to grow as a person but realizing that some people must be left behind, no matter how important you think they are to you.

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Creativity Flowing


I am learning how to juggle my time and interest so that I can stop blocking the creativity that’s flowing through me. I used to get so overwhelmed by thoughts of what I should do and create, but now I am obsessing less and creating more.

Thank goodness the writing has not been a problem. I have kept a journal since the 80s, that’s how I keep my sanity. My journal is a mixed bag, a daily record of my everyday life. Its the place that I go to vent about issues that piss me off, so that I can get things out my system, let go and let God, smile and continue living my life. If I don’t write in my journal I feel completely lost. But my journal is also the place where I write stories and poetry, quotes that I love, things I see and anything else you can think of.

Besides writing I also enjoy art. Reading about art and artists, sketching, drawing and painting. I have been afraid of this joy because I don’t think I am very good. While I am definitely no Picasso, I don’t have to be. I receive such joy when I am surrounded by colored and graphite pencils, oil pastels and now paint. I have recently started an online art class that is helping to open my mind and imagination. I am trying new things on paper and it is bringing me such joy.

There is also another craft that I enjoy that I just started back up once again. I enjoy crocheting, my specialty has been blankets. I am working on one now for my son after about a 5+ year hiatus. I have about 4 more to make and then I will be trying to make other items. Soon I will be taking knitting classes, something else I have always wanted to learn. I am really excited to try my hand at sweaters.

These activities engage my mind in such a way as to spark my imagination which helps me create more and more. A never-ending cycle is created, one which has a positive and profound addition to my life.

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